Title: Uncover an Exciting Easter Egg in Halo Infinite: Unlock and Utilize a Functional Forklift!

Meta Description: Join the ever-growing community of Halo Infinite fans as they unearth an incredible Easter egg, revealing the secret to unlocking a fully functional forklift within the game. Discover how to gain access to this unique vehicle and bring a new level of immersion to your gameplay. Get ready for an unforgettable experience in the Halo universe. Play Halo Infinite today!

A new Halo Infinite Easter egg allows players to unlock a driveable forklift on the recently added Illusion map. The humorous feature is just the latest Easter egg to be discovered on Halo Infinite's new map.

On January 30, Halo Infinite released its Content Update 29, which added a new Arena map, additional Forge features, the Spirit of Fire Operation, and more. The recent update ushered in a new approach for Halo Infinite content, doing away with its Seasons and instead releasing smaller-scale Operations every four to six weeks. Operations feature exclusively free content, but for those who wish to hold on to an Operation past its initial lifespan, users can utilize a paid option as well. Fans were pleased to hear that the latest update also made all shoulder pads cross-core, after being previously tied to specific cores. In addition to the update's promising features, fans now have another, more tongue-in-cheek feature to check out.

Twitter user Mr_Rebs_ posted a video that showed them unlocking and driving a functioning forklift on Halo Infinite's new Illusion map. Another user, YouTuber h8yse, posted a tutorial that showed how to gain access to the forklift. During a public or private Infection match, players will need to shoot 18 ONI tags that are spread around the map. The tags do not need to be shot in a specific order. After shooting all 18 tags, a large door will automatically open that reveals a forklift behind it. Players can enter the forklift and drive it around the map, and it even has working forks that adjust upwards and downwards. This Easter egg is a reference to Halo's S and SL series of forklifts, which previously appeared in Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5. Fans expressed their wishes for the forklift to be added to Halo Infinite's Forge mode as well.

How to Drive a Forklift in Halo Infinite

The forklift was previously spotted in a promotional image for Halo Infinite back in 2021, but some fans were disappointed to see that the vehicle wasn't in the game at launch. It took a while, but Halo Infinite fans can finally drive a forklift again in their favorite game.

By marcela Diay

Despite her humble beginnings, Marcela Diay has spectacularly transcended the gaming world. From her childhood years spent immersed in video games, Marcela has reached for the stars and achieved the heights of success, becoming a true role model for gamers around the globe. From honing her skills on a simple handheld console, Marcela has progressed to writing extraordinary reviews, producing fascinating editorials, and ultimately obtaining the respected position of editor of the magazine's game section. Her remarkable journey serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how with intense passion and hard work, anything is possible.