Insomniac developers share their experiences and respond to online harassment and threats from players in relation to Spider-Man 2. Get insights from multiple Insomniac team members on the challenges they face as they create this highly anticipated game and how they address the negative online behavior surrounding it.

Multiple members of Insomniac's game development team have responded to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 players sending violent threats in demand of updates to the superhero sequel. Part of the Insomniac leaks from 2023 included a look at possible Spider-Man 2 DLC content, and a New Game Plus mode is coming, but some fans have lost their patience waiting for the developers to complete and release updates.

Released in October 2023, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 returns players to New York City where they play as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales and battle against iconic villains. Spider-Man 2 received some mixed reactions from players online but received overwhelmingly positive critic review scores, even earning nominations for various game awards. Regardless, some gamers have grown impatient with the wait for fresh updates to the game, with a vocal few resorting to threats toward the developers.

Insomniac team members took to social media to voice their responses to online harassment, namely violent threats demanding new content for Spider-Man 2. Advanced senior community manager Aaron Jason Espinoza tweeted about the "childish" antics of gamers sending "violent threats" to game developers. Insomniac community and marketing director James Stevenson amplified the statements, noting that the development team knows what fans want and is hard at work, in spite of challenges. With the 2023 Insomniac game leaks serving as a massive hurdle to the studio, the developers are asking fans to be patient as they continue to work on giving players what they want.

"Don't do this. We know you want updates and info. We're working to get things to you as fast as we can, given the extraordinary circumstances our team has faced."

– James Stevenson, Director of Community and Marketing, Insomniac

By amaris stark

Amaris Stark, a writing virtuoso, creates stories that bewitch her audience. With an impressive eye for detail, she engulfs readers in intricate worlds and develops characters with depth. Furthermore, her multi-faceted understanding of gaming industries injects her narratives with a potency and dynamism that can only be found between the pages of her stories. Valued as a chief asset of any game page editor, her creative energy and passionate writing style will make readers swoon in delight over their beloved characters and places.