Title: Unveiling the Joker’s Transformation: Rocksteady Delves into Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League DLC Appearance

Meta Description: In this article, we uncover the reasons behind the striking visual alteration of the Joker character in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s downloadable content (DLC) version compared to his appearances in the renowned Arkham games. Dive into Rocksteady’s insights on the Joker’s revamped appearance and discover the creative choices that make this iteration stand out among the rest.


Rocksteady Studios, the masterminds behind the critically acclaimed Arkham game series, have left fans intrigued with the distinct transformation of the Joker in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s DLC version. This article delves into the reasons and artistic choices behind this visual metamorphosis, providing insights on how Rocksteady aims to captivate players with a fresh yet familiar interpretation of the popular supervillain.

1. Rocksteady’s Creative Approach to Character Design:

With Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Rocksteady aimed to explore new horizons while embracing the essence of the Joker as a character. Understanding the importance of delivering a unique gaming experience, Rocksteady took an innovative approach to visual design, seeking to present a version of the Joker that reflects the game’s gritty and immersive world.

2. Distinctive Tone and Plot Differentiation:

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League presents a new narrative that sets it apart from the Arkham games. The DLC represents an alternate reality where the Joker’s appearance has evolved to align with the game’s edgy and unpredictable atmosphere. Rocksteady intentionally crafted this distinct look to symbolize the Joker’s progression within this dark and twisted universe.

3. Evolution of the Joker’s Personality:

Rocksteady’s decision to craft a visually unique Joker in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League goes hand-in-hand with an evolution of the character’s personality. This fresh iteration aims to explore different dimensions of the Joker’s psyche and align his appearance with the shift in his unpredictable behavior and mindset.

4. Paying Homage to Iconic Artistic Influences:

Rocksteady’s team of talented artists took inspiration from various sources, including iconic comic book illustrations and graphic novels, while reimagining the Joker’s appearance. This homage to different artistic influences adds depth to the character’s design, providing players with an intriguing new perspective on one of Batman’s most notorious foes.

5. Engaging Player Reactions and Immersion:

By introducing a visually distinct Joker in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Rocksteady endeavors to spark curiosity and engage players in an entirely immersive gaming experience. The hauntingly captivating design of the Joker aims to evoke strong emotional reactions, enhancing the overall narrative and ensuring an unforgettable gameplay adventure.


Rocksteady’s thoughtful and artistic approach in reinventing the Joker’s appearance for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s DLC version introduces players to a visually striking and thematically immersive iteration of the iconic supervillain. This fresh interpretation combines creative choices, character evolution, and inspiration from various artistic influences, delivering an unforgettable gaming experience that stands out within the realm of the Arkham universe.

Warning! Batman: Arkham series spoilers ahead.The Joker is back in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and the developers at Rocksteady have just shared some insight into why this new version of the Clown Prince of Crime looks so different from the one from past Arkhamverse games. Although the Joker fatally succumbed to Titan poisoning at the end of 2011’s Batman: Arkham City, there were rumors that Rocksteady was planning to bring the cackling fiend back in some way in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s post-launch DLC.

These rumors were eventually confirmed during a Rocksteady dev diary video earlier this month, which revealed that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s story DLC will explore DC’s multiverse and feature versions of classic villains from alternate universes. The first of these extra-dimensional travelers will be none other than the Joker, who will be unlocked through regular gameplay for free when the inaugural Suicide Squad DLC season launches in March. The Joker will have his own story content as well, set in the aftermath of Brainiac’s attack on Metropolis and the resulting fight against the brainwashed members of the Justice League.

Suicide Squad’s new version of the Joker is already strikingly different from the one players fought in the Batman: Arkham series, and Rocksteady advanced scriptwriter Kate Watson recently opened up about why her team took this approach. During a Q&A session on the official Suicide Squad Discord server (via Comicbook.com), Watson explained that the past Arkhamverse Joker is already so iconic that Rocksteady deliberately set out to make this new version stand out on his own.

Batman: Arkham Joker and Suicide Squad Joker Comparison

Kate Watson elaborated on this by saying that Suicide Squad’s version of the Joker is even more theatrical than the one from the past games, and this is present in his more colorful costume and rocket umbrella-fueled transversal gameplay. She also credited voice actor JP Karliak for bringing the Harlequin of Hate to life, saying that his improvised dialogue was often better than what the writers had come up with. Lastly, Watson revealed that Suicide Squad’s Joker has a prosthetic leg from a bombing mishap.

By marcela Diay

Despite her humble beginnings, Marcela Diay has spectacularly transcended the gaming world. From her childhood years spent immersed in video games, Marcela has reached for the stars and achieved the heights of success, becoming a true role model for gamers around the globe. From honing her skills on a simple handheld console, Marcela has progressed to writing extraordinary reviews, producing fascinating editorials, and ultimately obtaining the respected position of editor of the magazine's game section. Her remarkable journey serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how with intense passion and hard work, anything is possible.