NFG Summary:“Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate is an adrenaline-pumping action game that combines fast-paced shooter gameplay with strategic puzzle-solving. With its intense gunplay, immersive storyline, and clever level design, this game offers a thrilling experience that will keep players on the edge of their seats until the very end.”

NFG Score: 83

Categories: Turn-Based, Strategy
Steam Score: 87
Meta Score: 75
Store: Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate (Price: $ 3,5)
Platform: PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Publisher Names: Headbang Club
Support Language: English, French, Spanish – Spain, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Japanese, Polish, Catalan
Publish Date: 2023-08-24

PC Requirements:


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: yes, you should have one
  • Graphics: you’ll need a screen
  • Storage: 80 MB available space
  • Sound Card: if your computer can play sound, you should be good
  • Additional Notes: in theory, if your computer can run Windows, it can run Shotgun King


Chess, but all your army has gone over to the white side, leaving you with nothing but your royal shotgun and your wounded pride. Carried by your dark folly, you decide it’s time to teach those white pieces to fear the Shotgun King.

Every turn, you may either move your king or shoot at enemy pieces, after what you’ll need to move again to reload your shotgun. Avoid checkmate and kill the enemy king to complete the floor. After each floor, you may choose between two random combinations of one upgrade for you and one upgrade for the other side. Choose wisely and keep on winning floors and you just may get your kingdom back.

Runs may take ~20 minutes to complete. The game features 5 difficulties, plus an endless mode!

Positive Comment(s)

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Negative Comment(s)

Even with its goofy premise, Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate is a cleverly strategic roguelike that’ll certainly keep you hooked.80Video Chums
Even with its goofy premise, Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate is a cleverly strategic roguelike that’ll certainly keep you hooked.80Video Chums
The presentation and content of Shotgun King will put a lot of people off. However, if you like chess and rogue-based games it is well worth a bash. I adored its presentation, it reminded me of games form my youth, yes, I am that old. Pairing one of the oldest games on the planet with rogue-lite elements works far better than it has rights too and Shotgun King is truly unlike anything else I have played. We need more games like this, its what drives the industry forward in a sea of cut and paste shooters and RPG’s.80PlayStation Universe
The presentation and content of Shotgun King will put a lot of people off. However, if you like chess and rogue-based games it is well worth a bash. I adored its presentation, it reminded me of games form my youth, yes, I am that old. Pairing one of the oldest games on the planet with rogue-lite elements works far better than it has rights too and Shotgun King is truly unlike anything else I have played. We need more games like this, its what drives the industry forward in a sea of cut and paste shooters and RPG’s.80PlayStation Universe
The premise seems silly, but thought has gone into this chess-shooter mashup. However, difficulty spikes and lack of replayability mean it struggles to hold attention. [Issue#32, p.81]70PLAY
The premise seems silly, but thought has gone into this chess-shooter mashup. However, difficulty spikes and lack of replayability mean it struggles to hold attention. [Issue#32, p.81]70PLAY

By marcela Diay

Despite her humble beginnings, Marcela Diay has spectacularly transcended the gaming world. From her childhood years spent immersed in video games, Marcela has reached for the stars and achieved the heights of success, becoming a true role model for gamers around the globe. From honing her skills on a simple handheld console, Marcela has progressed to writing extraordinary reviews, producing fascinating editorials, and ultimately obtaining the respected position of editor of the magazine's game section. Her remarkable journey serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how with intense passion and hard work, anything is possible.